2022 Winners

Game of the Year

Silver Амулет

Design: Ted Alspach

Publisher: Paladium Games

Players: 2 - 4

Age: 10+

Length: 45 min.

Original name: Silver Amulet

International Game of the Year


Design: Randy Flynn

Publisher: AEG & Flatout Games

Players: 1 - 4

Age: 10+

Length: 45 min.

Expert Game of the Year

Khora: Rise of the Empire

Design: Head Quarter Simulation Game Club

Publisher: IELLO

Players: 2 - 4

Age: 14+

Length: 75 min.

Kids Game of the Year


Design: Anna Oppolzer & Stefan Kloss

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele

Players: 2 - 4

Age: 5+

Length: 25 min.